Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Haunting Of The Creepy Pasta

So, I know that I already did my entry tonight...Kind of. Technically it's Sunday.
Who cares though...?
I write this for me, not anyone that may or probably doesn't read it.

A family friend passed away not too long ago and my mom and I just found out recently. My parents went to go visit her mate and stay up with him for awhile, drinking coffee like she used to do. I thought that they'd be back by now, but apparently not.
That's fine though.
It's not too painfully uncommon for me to be left home alone because I am almost eighteen.

I don't do drugs and it's very rare for me to have someone over just because I prefer to go out.

Anyway, I like to read creepy pastas. I even have an entry that goes into details about a lot of Pokemon creepypasta. It's time like this that they decide to haunt you.
It doesn't help that my dog is acting weird.
Okay, it's not acting. My dog IS weird.

I woke up and decided to check my Facebook. While I was on the computer, my dog jumped up and kept pawing at my leg, whining, and wouldn't leave me alone! Oh my gosh, it's super annoying. >..>
He does it when my door is closed and he wants out. Sometimes, very rarely, he'll do it when he wants me to hold him.
I eventually caved, got my laptop, and made my way to the bed with the assumption that he would jump in bed and join me.
That wasn't what he wanted. I still don't know what he wanted, but he's walking around and staring at stuff. >.>
I'm easily freaked out sometimes, okay? I believe in ghosts. Don't judge me.

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