Saturday, October 6, 2012

SMFH 4 Guys Right Now

Ugh, I'm just so frustrated right now. I got in a big fight with an ex of mine. We have still been friends.... Kind of. He messages me randomly when he feels like it and I message him when I'm bored. We barely hang out, maybe once every few months.
All the same, I still kind of like him. I can't help that. He was my first real boyfriend.
When I say real, I mean that we actually did things together, kissed, and people recognized us as a couple.
I had other guys, but they weren't real boyfriends. We went places and said we were dating, but it wasn't recognized for real.
Does that make sense?

We got in a fight because he keeps promising to come see me but he never does. Last week, he said he was going to come see me today so I set aside my Saturday for him.
He called me at eight in the morning....I am NOT a morning person so calling me that soon is NOT cool. Not cool at all.
He kept calling and texting until my vibrating phone woke me up, then he insisted that he couldn't text so I had to call him.
Eventually I caved and did just that.
He said that he couldn't come see me until four. I was pretty chill with that. I figured that  I would just sleep until two. Come two, I would get up to clean my room and then get ready.
Well, it's six thirty and he's not here!
I asked my mom if she was still cool with him coming over.
She said no.

I hate when my mom catches on to things before me by the way.
She's a mom. She's supposed to think that kids are innocent. Hell, if I don't catch on, she shouldn't.

Anyway, I told him that if we hung out that we would have to go somewhere else .
He seemed to have lost interest then...
He's willingly come when I ask to go to a dark movie theater, come to my house, and places like that....But we can't go to the park?

I guess I was already questioning him because he was always trying to talk dirty and grabbing on me, but I didn't want to accept where his intentions were.
He wasn't like that when we were dating.
Anyway, he asked if we could chill tomorrow knowing that we're both busy people. I told him no. I had already made plans.
I had set aside my entire day for him. He better be damn lucky that I didn't waste my expensive eyeliner for him or I'd be hella mad.
Oh, the reason that he didn't want to come see me today was that I have plans with someone else tonight for a short while. He said that he wanted an entire day with me....
If that was the case, how come you wanted to go to a festival until four?
That is NOT an entire day. I'm sorry that my plans at eleven tonight ruin your entire day with me.

Maybe I'm just overreacting because I'm already aggravated with all the dudes that have been trying to get into my pants lately. 

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