Monday, May 7, 2012

The Mother-Daughter Bonding and Avengers

If you haven't seen the Avengers yet... Go see it. NOW.
It was super good. The only part that I didn't enjoy was the screaming baby in the row in front of me. Seriously guys, if you can't control your kid then don't take it to the theater.
It got even better when I asked someone to take the child out of the theater. They came in, stood there for a moment, and for the first time in the movie, the baby was silent. It started up again after they left so I asked again and the manager came in. The baby was screaming so he asked the couple to leave. The man cursed the manager out and then they left.
I understand being mad when you're asked to leave a movie that you payed good money for, but you shouldn't put your experience over everyone else because you couldn't find a babysitter.

Other than that, the movie was super awesome. <3

That was Friday, I got home later in the afternoon and just relaxed for the rest of the night. Since it was a weekend, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to stay up late. Well, I didn't know that I would be dragged out of bed at 8 AM for mother-daughter bonding time. Apparently mom wanted to go yard selling so she had me look some up on Craigslist and we used her phone to go to yard sales all over town. I never really found anything interesting either of the days we did it, Saturday and Sunday, but I did buy some stuff. A bag of books for the school book drive, a thing of monkey grass for the yard, kitty stickers that were cute, and two snowcones.

Mom found stuff at every yard sale and loaded up the van. XD

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