Tuesday, May 22, 2012

End Of The Year

I can't believe that as of 12 o'clock, I'll be a senior. This year has been the best by far and they get better every year without a doubt so I can't help but imagine how I'll feel next year when I leave my friends, family, and pets to start my own life at college.
I'm already tearing up a little because so many of my friends graduated and I'm going to miss them so bad, but next year, I'll be leaving even more friends than ever.
I'm in my last final and in a little under a hour, I'll be going home to start my summer. I'll have my last year at Vanderbilt Summer Academy, which I will also miss with a passion, and then once it's over, I'll get back to my studies.

Next year is going to be a totally new experience. We're moving to a new school with new people and I'll be top of the food chain with several other friends.

I just can't believe how fast it's gone by, but it's been amazingly fun despite how boring school can be.
Especially this year, I've collected a large album of photos on Facebook to help me remember the year and the amazing people and I hope that even though we're going our separate ways that we don't lose touch like my grandpa said we will.

Class of '13.

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