Thursday, January 17, 2013

Funerals and Subs On Drugs

I've gone to two funerals this school year and I hope that I don't have to attend another one. The first one, I didn't go to the visitation and it was packed out because it was a kid from our school. It felt like what a funeral should be. Sad and important.
The second one was someone that I knew very well and it felt so weird. We went to the visitation and she was in the coffin with it open, just laying there and looking like she could sit up any moment.
Everyone, and there weren't many people, was sitting around, talking, laughing, and just carrying on like the body of their mom, sister, and friend wasn't right there.
It stayed like that the entire time and it just made me really uncomfortable.
For the actual funeral service the front two pews were barely even stocked. Nobody seemed too upset and the service was mostly music instead of talking about her.
We got to the actual funeral and it took less then five minutes. A preacher said that it was the last time we would see her and it was over. At the other person's funeral, it lasted over thirty minutes with people wanting to put flowers on his grave and say goodbye.
It just felt really eerie...

So, while I'm typing this and trying to gather my thoughts, it's really not working.
I really wanted to organize my mind by writing this, but I can't because I'm in my writing class and I don't have any headphones.
I'm also pretty sure that this sub is on drugs.
He kept interrupting our work to talk about IT. Not IT by Stephen King but IT. When he says it, we don't know anything about what the hell he's talking about. He randomly says, "You don't know me or what I mean."
Other than that, I can't even catch on to what he's saying. It doesn't make any sense. Seriously, I'll type a bit of what he's saying as he says it. Keep in mind, the current context...There is none. We're just sitting around and listening to him talk.
"Let me tell you something right now. There is nothing to make you feel better, well, I don't care if you feel good or not. To make you feel better, there is nothing that you can think of that hasn't been thought of."

"If anyone could bottle or capture it, there is nothing that smells better than a newborn baby. A newborn baby has that smell up unto a year old."
"That smell, a newborn baby. If you ever get a chance to smell a baby, they smell soooo good."

"Yin and yang is yin and yong. Do you know which is which? Which is dark?"

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