Friday, January 18, 2013

Drunk Democrats

I never would have considered a democratic celebration to be a party. Certainly not somewhere to find a DJ and alcohol.
Well, at least not before tonight.
The group that I volunteer with: Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered Advocacy & Youth Services worked for tips at a democratic party tonight. We had a table set up for donations, took coats, helped serve food, clear tables, take drinks, and do anything needed.
At first, it was pretty boring. I just stood there and felt out of place, but once people started to get a bit tipsy and once the crowd grew, it kind of became fun.
A big dance crowd formed and we did everything from The Cupid Shuffle to The Electric Slide. A little before the dancing began, my English teacher from last year had come in. She helped start me off dancing and I went from there all night, dancing with all kinds of people.
There was a small uncomfortable moment when an old man started dancing with me, but he was sweet enough and didn't try anything. I think he only started dancing with me because I had talked to him earlier and was nice so he picked someone he knew to help him feel comfortable dancing.
At some point while dancing, I noticed that a lady was on the ground and throwing up while people were trying to help her up. Immediately I rushed over there and helped them lift her into her chair. You would think that a group of adults would know what to do with a drunk person, but apparently not. I got some crackers into her, a napkin to wipe her off, a bucket, and a small amount of water to keep the throwing up from dehydrating her.
Finally the paramedics showed up. I bet her husband sure was embarrassed.
After that, I went back to dancing until the party was over. Then I started helping with popping balloons. While doing that, some woman all but latched onto to my head to tell me how beautiful my rainbow hair was. She took pictures and kept playing with it but she was being so sweet that I didn't have the heart to tell her to go away. Finally I got called away... Fifteen to twenty minutes later.

Actually, all of that gave it some spice and made it kind of fun.
Add the fact that everyone who was there was super kind to me and very talkative and it was an overall enjoyable night.

I'm telling you, put some booze in your democrats. They're hell'o fun to be around then.

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