Today was a lot of fun, but it left me tired. = (
It started off with an annoying alarm at seven AM so I could take a shower, get dressed, and put some music on my MP3 Player before my ride picked me up.
At around 8:30, I was on my way to a middle school that I'd never heard of to help them paint. We were lead to their court yard where they told us what they needed to have done: Paint the sidewalk, paint the shed, work on the bulletin board, and put up streamers. I took the job of painting the shed with another girl, Taylor. It didn't take long before my friend Whitney joined me. I had told her about the Chick-Fil-A controversy and she was furious, so much, that she was more than happy to join me at the protest scheduled for after despite being straight.
We painted....Terribly.
My friend, straight, who came to help paint and support gay rights |
We had too much fun with the paint |
A few hours later, we were done and we went for a very rushed lunch. Once we finished (Never order the Meximelt from Taco Bell, it is not worth the money) we went to Chick-Fil-A.
It was amazing, everyone was so kind and upbeat despite the occasional hatred that came through. We endured several people yelling out "fag" and "faggot", multiple times being flipped off, and many people showing off their Chick-Fil-A, but it didn't deter one person.
For every rude person, there was about fifty people who honked, thumbs upped us, gave peace signs, and yelled words of encouragement. It was a fantastic reminder of how good our community can be.
The best moment was when an elder man approached us. He had a bag of water in his hand and was more than happy to offer water to anyone that would take it. He also came with a message. He wanted us to know that despite what everyone said, Jesus loves us and everyone of his children no matter what.
He wasn't the only person to approach us. Chick-Fil-A brought us drinks, people who saw us from the road came and held signs, and I believe that one person came to talk to us.
Oh, and a girl brought a rainbow umbrella that she gave me. <3 It made me so happy. I plan to take it to future events.~
All in all, I have to say that the protest was a
Once again, you have chronicled events in our community and I thank you! I share these blogs on our site and on many others!
Great job painting and demonstrating yesterday! I was a pleasure and an honour to be there with you and everyone else. I will be sharing your blog on my blog at
Best wishes!