Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I was slow to the story, but that didn't stop me from jumping right in.
If you don't already know, Dan Cathy, the COO of Chick-Fil-A, openly announced to the news that he and his company support Christian values and therefore do not support gay marriage. Not only do they not support it, but they're so strongly against it that they donate money to organizations that fight gay marriage such as Marriage & Family Foundation ($1,188,380).

Several political figures are making their stance well known after this controversy. Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum urged people to attend Chick-Fil-A's "Appreciate Day" on Wednesday to show their support of the company's decision to support traditional marriage. On the flip side, several officials have asked Chick-Fil-A to not try and expand in their city. Some of the most well recognized cases are Boston's Mayor Thomas Menino who wrote to Chick-Fil-A, suggesting that they "back out of their plans to locate in Boston"; Philadelphia City Councilman James Kenney who wrote to the company "Take a hike and take your intolerance with you"; and Chicago Mayor Tahm Emanuel who announced that "Chick-Fil-A's values are not Chicago's values.".

Appreciation Day (Huntsville, AL)
 Chick-Fil-As all over America were swamped with people with different mindsets on "Appreciation Day". Some people just wanted to support Chick-Fil-A's freedom of speech, some wanted to support anti-same sex marriage, and some wanted to support their religion. The gay community was outraged, but most of the outrage didn't seem to come from the fact that people were supporting the company. In fact, while looking at Facebook comments, I noticed that most of the aggravation was from the misconception that the gay community was trying to fight Chick-Fil-A's freedom of speech. Because of this, they have been openly trying to spread the word that it's nothing to do with the actual comments, but instead with the fact that they're donating money to companies that fight gay marriage.

In response to the "Appreciation Day", organizations and even independent groups of people, are rallying this weekend for protests of the restaurant. One of the best known protests is Friday where a kiss in will be staged. Gay couples from all over America will attend the restaurant and kiss someone of the same sex. They are then being asked to donate the price of an average meal to an organization that supports same sex marriage. The suggested amount is $6.50.
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, the group that started the kiss in, is asking people to not go in groups and to be on the conservative side if they do attend.

If you would like to donate to an organization to help their stand in this fight, please consider Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered Youth & Advocacy in Huntsville, Alabama. We are a group that not only fights for our rights, but also offers support to youth in the area that needs a helping hand or a listening ear.
The link to my fundraiser
It will open in a new window.

If you live in Huntsville or areas close to it, please consider attending the protest on Saturday.
Facebook Event/Protest

Cars wrapping around Chick-Fil-A in Huntsville, AL. This is one of several in town

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this well researched and information blog. I appreciate you covering this event and working with us to create a safe & healthy community for everyone.
