Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving & Black Friday

Thanksgiving dinner was amazing. We had turkey, ribs, and ham for our meat and a lot of different sides. Even though I'm allergic to the mushrooms in the green bean casserole, I still gave it a try. It messed with my stomach a little bit, but it was still well worth it.
Instead of staying with my mom and step dad, I went to my grandma's and grandpa's. We had our usual guests, my dad, aunt, uncle, nephew, and great grandma. My uncle and I have had some bad history so I try to avoid him, but he hugged me anyway. Bleugh.
He tried to perform and exorcism on my step dad. -.-
Take that as you may.
After we ate, we sat around and chilled until it was time to take great grandma back to assisted living and go to the store for Black Friday. Dad and I waited in line for around half an hour and then the doors open. Instead of letting everyone run in like I had hoped that they would do, they only let us in by groups.
Dad and I were midway in the line so we didn't get the things that we wanted. I was supposed to run ahead and get a 3DS package and dad was supposed to get a blu-ray player. Both of the deals were gone. Since I figured that grandma would still buy me the 3DS, I grabbed one that wasn't marked down and the Pokemon game that was the main reason that I was getting the system. Then I went and hid somewhere in the store and away from all of the people until grandma, who I call mom a lot so try not to get them confused, was able to get in the store. As soon as she was, she sent me on missions to find several deals and I found them and then returned to her. As long as I had something to do the crowd's didn't really freak me out too much. Once we had done all of our shopping, we had to wait in line. The line took two hours. I called my boyfriend and went walking around the store while mom and dad waited in line.
After we left Target, we ran by Wal-Mart and that was totally empty. Their next deal wasn't until 5 AM so everyone had gone home and would return later.
By the time we had gotten home, we had been out for six hours.
The next day, we put up Christmas lights. ^-^
Now, it's CyberMonday and I'm looking for new shoes. I found a really neat brand called Demonia I mean, they're really neat. You should look them up... Now. They're a bit expensive, but that's okay sometimes for shoes.
I hope that mom will get them for me. She already got my 3DS and three games to go with it. I know that's not cheap. Oh, she got me a big thing of Pokemon cards as well.

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