Today I woke up and told myself that I would have a good day.
It proved true. ^-^
I dragged myself out of the house and to school. My stalker wasn't here today which gave me a nice reprieve from being aggravated. A lot of students are also taking the graduation exams this week so for us that passed the exams, we don't have to do anything for the most part.
We did some stuff in science, but my next class, history, we went to another class and just relaxed. We worked a little, but not too much all day.
After I get out of school, I'm supposed to have a conference with the photography teacher and vice principle about the dark room.
My course description reads, "This studio art course is designed for students seriously interested in photographic and darkroom techniques. Units of study may include, but are not limited to, 35mm camera handling, photographic composition, black and white film development and printing, digital photography, digital software, and photographic history. Ownership of a 35mm camera is recommended. Grade: 10-12 Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Art, enrollment limited Fee: $30.00 per semester/term"
This leads me to believe that I should be using the darkroom, but she locked it up and told us that it is off limits.
I will fight that decision until it changes.
And hopefully after all that fighting, when I get home, my Pokemon cards will have came in the mail.
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