Join me as I point out the darker side of Pokemon
The Facts~
Pokedex EntriesReal Life Tragedies Caused by Pokemon
Banned Pokemon Cards and Animes
Pokedex Entries
Perhaps the makers of Pokemon assumed that the children would never go through the Pokedex entries. I didn't. It wasn't until I was older that I became fascinated with the entries that detailed the species.
Let's start with the obvious choice...
Ghost Pokemon
Just about every ghost Pokemon feeds off of souls or fear of people. However, I will only be listing some of the worst entries.
Haunter's dex reads, "Its tongue is made of gas. If licked, its victim starts shaking constantly until death eventually comes." (Silver) "It hides in the dark, planning to take the life of the next living thing that wanders close by." (Crystal) The same theme appears in almost every Pokemon game's dex entry for it.
Banette: If you are as much of a Pokemon fan as I am, you would know that some of the most creepy fan art comes from Banette. These is a good reason for that. In Pokemon Emerald, the Pokedex reads, "An abandoned plush doll became this POKéMON. They are said to live in garbage dumps and wander about in search of the children that threw them away." They...A world with one Banette would be terrifying enough, but there are multiple. Remember that teddy bear that you loved as a child? No? It remembers you. Not only that, but the Sapphire dex entry reads "A cursed energy permeated the stuffing of a discarded and forgotten plush doll, giving it new life as BANETTE. The POKéMON's energy would escape if it were to ever open its mouth." In a nut shell, this is saying that Banette would die if it only opened it's mouth. What does it eat then? The fear of children? Last and finally enough to make this Pokemon creepy is the Ruby dex, "BANETTE generates energy for laying strong curses by sticking pins into its own body. This POKéMON was originally a pitiful plush doll that was thrown away."
Duskull: The terror that children in the Pokemon world live with every day only grows. Duskull seems to love the crying of children and will find the bad ones to sweep them away. "DUSKULL wanders lost among the deep darkness of midnight. There is an oft-told admonishment given to misbehaving children that this POKéMON will spirit away bad children who earn scoldings from their mothers." (Sapphire)
"It loves the crying of children. It startles bad kids by passing through walls and making them cry." (Platinum, Black, and White)
Drifloon: "It is whispered that any child who mistakes DRIFLOON for a balloon and holds on to it could wind up missing." (Heart Gold and Soul Silver) Apparently tormenting children is a common theme
Froslass: You just have to love a Pokemon that puts it's victims on display after freezing them to death. "It freezes prey by blowing its -58 degree F breath. It is said to then secretly display its prey" (Platinum)
Yamask: Perhaps the creepiest of all the Pokemon, this is a Pokemon that was born a human but died and couldn't move on. "These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people interred in graves in past ages. Each retains memories of its former life." (White) "Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry." (Black) Not only that, but they carry around a mask of their face.
Jellicent: Every world must have it's sea monsters and Pokemon is no exception. "The fate of the ships and crew that wander into Jellicent's habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished." (Black) "They propel themselves by expelling absorbed seawater from their bodies. Their favorite food is life energy." (White)
Jellicent's pre-evolved form is also a monster.
Litwick: A cute Pokemon that has captured the hearts of fans everywhere, sometimes even the die hard Kanto lovers. "While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it." (White)
Lampent: "It arrives near the moment of death and steals spirit from the body." (White) That's fantastic...What does it do with the souls?
Chandelure: The Pokemon version of hell "Being consumed in Chandelure's flame burns up the spirit, leaving the body behind." (White)
Everything Else~
Chandelure: The Pokemon version of hell "Being consumed in Chandelure's flame burns up the spirit, leaving the body behind." (White)
Everything Else~
Parasect: "The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking." (Yellow)
Victrebell: Just eating everybody, now aren't we? "Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there." (Red and Blue)
Cubone: Perhaps one of the most well known non-child friendly Pokemon is Cubone.
"CUBONE pines for the mother it will never see again. Seeing a likeness of its mother in the full moon, it cries. The stains on the skull the POKéMON wears are made by the tears it sheds." (Ruby and Sapphire)
"Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody." (Yellow)
Marowak: 'Somewhere in the world is a cemetery just for Marowak. It gets its bones from those graves." (Crystal) Huh....That's not bothersome at all.
Drowzee: "It remembers every dream it eats. It rarely eats the dreams of adults because children's are much tastier." (Silver) I would really hate to be a child in the Pokemon world.
Kadabra: "It happened one morning - a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed transformed into KADABRA." (Fire Red) Once again, on the kid thing.
Even the beautiful Pokemon can be harsh
Gorebyss: "Although GOREBYSS is the very picture of elegance and beauty while swimming, it is also cruel. When it spots prey, this POKéMON inserts its thin mouth into the prey's body and drains the prey of its body fluids." (Sapphire)
Beautifly: Despite having a strong preference for pollen, this Pokemon will attack and eat you if you interrupt it's dinner. "It has an aggressive nature. It stabs prey with its long, narrow mouth to drain the prey's fluids." (Emerald)
Glalie: "GLALIE has the ability to freely control ice. For example, it can instantly freeze its foe solid. After immobilizing its foe in ice, this POKéMON enjoys eating it in leisurely fashion." (Sapphire) And I thought Frosslass was bad.
Aridos: Who doesn't want a giant spider? To make it worse, it lets you think that you escaped it. "It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends." (Platinum, Black, and White)
Cacturne: "If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night, CACTURNE will follow in a ragtag group. The POKéMON are biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving." (Sapphire)
Kabutops: "Its sleek shape is perfect for swimming. It slashes prey with its claws and drains the body fluids." (Red and Blue)
Real Life Tragedies Caused by Pokemon
The Lavender Town Syndrome: Lavender town will be covered even more later on, but at the moment, I am going to focus on the song. When you enter Lavender town, a song begins to play. It is a song that reminds you just how depressing the town is. It is, well, a grave for Pokemon. In the earlier versions of the game, Red and Blue, the song contained really high pitched noises that could only be heard by children. It is said that these noises gave them headaches and even drove them to suicide. While there are no credited stories about the children committing suicide, it is highly likely that it could have given them headaches.
The song was changed for the later games to prevent this. Video with somebody playing it on their Gameboy I'm not fully sure what this is, but it's worth checking out.
Electric Soldier Porygon: An episode that first broadcasted during 1997 caused over 600 children to have to go to the hospital due to seizures. This was because of flashing lights in the episodes. A link to the scene
Pokemon Power Bouncers: I have seen several claims of multiple children dying due to suffocating on Pokemon Power Bouncers, but I can only find a reliable source for ONE child passing away due to this.
Uri Geller, the idiot: Uri Geller attempted to sue Nintendo, claiming that Kadabra was a parody of him.
Banned Pokemon Cards and Animes
America has changed several Pokemon cards to appeal better to children.Team Rocket Grimer: One of the cards that Japan released was the Team Rocket Grimer. It is coming out of a sewer and appears to be looking up a girl's skirt. America moved his pupils so that they wouldn't be looking anywhere bad. It is claimed that the artist did this on purpose because the girl is wearing loose, long socks, a fashion at the time to say that a girl wasn't wearing underwear.
You can see both cards here,
Koga's Ninja Trick: This card was changed because America thought that a symbol on it looked too much like a swastika. However, it is the manji. You can find both cards on here,
Moo-Moo Milk: This card was completely changed due to the oddity of a Sentret sucking on the nipple of a strange bottle. You can find the card in the middle of the three cards on the page here,
Misty's Tears: Being a fan of Pokemon my entire life, I have seen fan art of Misty in every way possible. This card, however, was official in Japan and changed in America due to nudity. You can find both cards here,
Sabrina's Gaze: This card was changed because America was worried it looked like she was giving us the finger. The cards can be found here,
Sabrina's Jynx; Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge: These two cards where changed because they were considered racist.
Beauty And The Beach: This episode shows a lot of bathing suits and perverted old men, but the episode was banned due to James cross dressing and wearing a very nice looking pair of inflated breasts that he was more than happy to play with for a few moments.Tentacool and Tentacruel: This was banned after 9/11 due to the two Pokemon smashing up a city
The Legend of Dratini: This is one of the most well known banned episodes, due to how often is uses guns.
The Ice Cave: Banned because of supposed racism with Jynx being black. It was also supposedly banned because Brock almost kissed Jynx.
Battle Of The Quaking Island: Banned because they felt that it was too sensitive after the Japanese earthquakes.
All Things Bright And Beautiful: Team Rocket's position was changed due looking like they were giving a nazi salute.

The Electric Tale of Pikachu: This censored A LOT of the women in the manga and even removed some scenes
Pokemon Theories
Ash is in a coma:
Gary's Raticate: There is a theory that after battling Gary's Raticate on the S.S Anne, you fatally wound it and when the ship docks, the chaos is too large for him to get his Raticate to the Pokecenter where it dies. This theory is around because you run into Gary at Lavender town and he doesn't have his Raticate anymore. He also asks you if you know what it is like to have a Pokemon die.
Nobody from Gamefreak or Nintendo have ever admitted to this story and all of his other Pokemon are fine.
Creepy Black: This is a game that was released by someone supposedly. You play as Ghost, the Dead Marowak, and everyone is defenseless against you, the screen showing that they are two scared to move. You use curse on the Pokemon, a move that did not exist at the time, and the screen fades to black where you hear a distorted version of the Pokemon's cry. Their pokeball in the corner would then disappear. After the battle, the attack screen comes back up and you have the option to run or fight again. If you do, the trainer would disappear and be replaced with a tombstone.
Erika's Gym is GLBT friendly: Of course I found this theory with my strong support of GLBT. This theory comes from the fact that Erika only allows women into her gym and that her main flower is a lily which in Japanese is Yuri. (Look it up kiddies, but don't tell mommy I said to) Her gym badge is also a rainbow.
Pokemon War: Lt. Surge is well... a lieutenant. This is a title that is given out during war. Not only this, but he claims to be so tough that his Pokemon helped him in a war. It is possible that around the time Ash was born, there was a war that his father fought it, hence him not being around. Gary's father may also have gone to war or be Giovanni. Also, most of the battlers are young characters. The only ones that aren't are scientists, mobs, and veterans, all not very helpful during a war.
9/11 Theory: It is believe that Unova is based off of America due to the vast diversity of characters.
African Americans (Lenora, Marshal, Iris, male Psychics, sport players, dances, etc.), Italians (those guys in suits in Castelina City), Puerto Ricans (the female rangers), Irish (Cilan, Cress, Chili), Jewish ( Cheren, Elesa and Burgh) Cowboys (Clay)
The most diverse state in America is New York, or Castelia city in this case. The city acts as lower Manhattan and even the map looks like New Yorks 5 Burroughs. North of Castelia is a desert with two broken down towers. In the towers, you can find Yamask and Cofagarius. If you recall properly from Yamask's Pokedex entry that was mentioned before, they are Pokemon that used to be humans and lost their life in one way or another. They carry around their face as the mask that they hold and mourn over it. It is believed that they are the victims of the 9/11 attack. Confagarius seems much like the Egyptian faith of being mummified and burried in a casket. The hijackers of the plane were Egyptian.
Cilian, Chili, and Cress are the Shadow Trio: Both are trios. When you make it to N's castle, the six sages are about to ambush you but all the gym leaders except the trio of gym leaders come to your rescue. You run into the shadow trio in the castle and after the game, Bianca tells you that she tried to get all the gym leaders to help you but couldn't find the trio.
Gary's Raticate: There is a theory that after battling Gary's Raticate on the S.S Anne, you fatally wound it and when the ship docks, the chaos is too large for him to get his Raticate to the Pokecenter where it dies. This theory is around because you run into Gary at Lavender town and he doesn't have his Raticate anymore. He also asks you if you know what it is like to have a Pokemon die.
Nobody from Gamefreak or Nintendo have ever admitted to this story and all of his other Pokemon are fine.
Creepy Black: This is a game that was released by someone supposedly. You play as Ghost, the Dead Marowak, and everyone is defenseless against you, the screen showing that they are two scared to move. You use curse on the Pokemon, a move that did not exist at the time, and the screen fades to black where you hear a distorted version of the Pokemon's cry. Their pokeball in the corner would then disappear. After the battle, the attack screen comes back up and you have the option to run or fight again. If you do, the trainer would disappear and be replaced with a tombstone.
Erika's Gym is GLBT friendly: Of course I found this theory with my strong support of GLBT. This theory comes from the fact that Erika only allows women into her gym and that her main flower is a lily which in Japanese is Yuri. (Look it up kiddies, but don't tell mommy I said to) Her gym badge is also a rainbow.
Pokemon War: Lt. Surge is well... a lieutenant. This is a title that is given out during war. Not only this, but he claims to be so tough that his Pokemon helped him in a war. It is possible that around the time Ash was born, there was a war that his father fought it, hence him not being around. Gary's father may also have gone to war or be Giovanni. Also, most of the battlers are young characters. The only ones that aren't are scientists, mobs, and veterans, all not very helpful during a war.
9/11 Theory: It is believe that Unova is based off of America due to the vast diversity of characters.
African Americans (Lenora, Marshal, Iris, male Psychics, sport players, dances, etc.), Italians (those guys in suits in Castelina City), Puerto Ricans (the female rangers), Irish (Cilan, Cress, Chili), Jewish ( Cheren, Elesa and Burgh) Cowboys (Clay)
The most diverse state in America is New York, or Castelia city in this case. The city acts as lower Manhattan and even the map looks like New Yorks 5 Burroughs. North of Castelia is a desert with two broken down towers. In the towers, you can find Yamask and Cofagarius. If you recall properly from Yamask's Pokedex entry that was mentioned before, they are Pokemon that used to be humans and lost their life in one way or another. They carry around their face as the mask that they hold and mourn over it. It is believed that they are the victims of the 9/11 attack. Confagarius seems much like the Egyptian faith of being mummified and burried in a casket. The hijackers of the plane were Egyptian.
Cilian, Chili, and Cress are the Shadow Trio: Both are trios. When you make it to N's castle, the six sages are about to ambush you but all the gym leaders except the trio of gym leaders come to your rescue. You run into the shadow trio in the castle and after the game, Bianca tells you that she tried to get all the gym leaders to help you but couldn't find the trio.