Again with the photography teacher?
I'm almost certain that she hates me and I guess, why not? I did get her in trouble with the vice principal, but I'm not going to pay $60 for a class and not be taught what my class description says that I will.
This time, she refused to give me my makeup work until the moment that I dragged in the school counselor who also wants me to have a parent conference with the principal. Then she lied through her teeth about how well she treated me and how she can't drop her class to rush to me.
I understand not being rushed, but when it comes to my grades and in turn, my future, I think that I deserve the right to know what's going on with it.
Besides, I haven't rushed her and it's not like she can drop a class that she doesn't take care of.
I'm just saying.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sleeping Schedule
This post is not very interesting. Nothing interesting has happened to me since the last post except that I have apparently obtained an odd sleeping schedule.
I wake up at 7:20 in the morning, go to school, get home 4-5:30 depending if I have something after school or not, go to sleep, wake up around midnight, and then can't sleep until 4.
That leaves me tired around the school afternoon and once I get in English, fifth period, I just scribble something down on paper as fast as I can so I can fall asleep.
It really sucks. = (
I wake up at 7:20 in the morning, go to school, get home 4-5:30 depending if I have something after school or not, go to sleep, wake up around midnight, and then can't sleep until 4.
That leaves me tired around the school afternoon and once I get in English, fifth period, I just scribble something down on paper as fast as I can so I can fall asleep.
It really sucks. = (
Monday, April 23, 2012
National Beta Club, Fear of King Kong, and Baby Sitting
This weekend I went out of town with some kids from school. We were going to Birmingham, Alabama for the 74th annual Beta Club convention.
It looked like it was going to be boring, kids mulling around with art everywhere, a fancy hotel, and nothing going on, but luckily it proved me wrong. We entered our art into the contest and headed to the first assembly.
I felt asleep pretty quickly into the assembly because old people kept talking, but I was soon woken up by loud music. Apparently there was a group talent competition and the top eight were going to perform.
They wanted to win so they were fantastic, dancing, singing, and acting.
A lot of the presentation was dedicated to the southern storms that ravaged Alabama and several other states in April of last year, but it was still a pretty fun presentation.
After the acts, we went to our hotel.
Let me just go ahead and say this...
What the hell is wrong with anyone that wants to stay on the 16th floor? I mean, honestly. And on top of it, the rooms look down on the hotel lobby so you can see just how high up you are.
I latched onto my pillow on my bed and refused to move for a good while. My logic was, if the floor fell out from under me for any reason, the bed would offer some form of protection.
I decided to call someone and ramble to them about all of the things that could go wrong. I whined about air planes flying into the building, King Kong attacking us, and falling over the rail.
The chances of actually falling off the rail were ridiciulously low since I was staying as far away from the rail as I could, but that wasn't the point.
Eventually I was dragged from my bed downstairs, where I was instantly relieved...Then I saw King Kong... After just rambling on to my friend like a child, afraid of a giant monkey, there was one in front of me.
It turns out that one of the girls that was running for beta president was using a monkey and bananas as her slogan, Anna Banana goes bananas.
Despite all this, I managed to sleep that night, albeit, really late at night.
When I got back, my friend asked me to come to a party with her. She's been living with another woman who is named Tiffany. She pays the rent by watching her daughter at night while she works and helping to put food in the kitchen when she can. Since Tiffany was going to be at work, she had to bring both her daughter and Tiffany's daughter. Everyone started drinking and I kept an eye on the children, come around 4 AM in the morning, she slipped a twenty in my pocket and left me with both of the kids. They woke me and I took care of them until Tiffany got back.
Because I kept an eye on the little girl while my friend wasn't treating her right, she told her mom that she wanted me to baby sit her. So I now have a new baby sitting job.
She is the most behaved kid that I've ever watched, but kids are still exhausting.
It looked like it was going to be boring, kids mulling around with art everywhere, a fancy hotel, and nothing going on, but luckily it proved me wrong. We entered our art into the contest and headed to the first assembly.
I felt asleep pretty quickly into the assembly because old people kept talking, but I was soon woken up by loud music. Apparently there was a group talent competition and the top eight were going to perform.
They wanted to win so they were fantastic, dancing, singing, and acting.
A lot of the presentation was dedicated to the southern storms that ravaged Alabama and several other states in April of last year, but it was still a pretty fun presentation.
After the acts, we went to our hotel.
Let me just go ahead and say this...
What the hell is wrong with anyone that wants to stay on the 16th floor? I mean, honestly. And on top of it, the rooms look down on the hotel lobby so you can see just how high up you are.
I latched onto my pillow on my bed and refused to move for a good while. My logic was, if the floor fell out from under me for any reason, the bed would offer some form of protection.
I decided to call someone and ramble to them about all of the things that could go wrong. I whined about air planes flying into the building, King Kong attacking us, and falling over the rail.
The chances of actually falling off the rail were ridiciulously low since I was staying as far away from the rail as I could, but that wasn't the point.
Eventually I was dragged from my bed downstairs, where I was instantly relieved...Then I saw King Kong... After just rambling on to my friend like a child, afraid of a giant monkey, there was one in front of me.
It turns out that one of the girls that was running for beta president was using a monkey and bananas as her slogan, Anna Banana goes bananas.
Despite all this, I managed to sleep that night, albeit, really late at night.
When I got back, my friend asked me to come to a party with her. She's been living with another woman who is named Tiffany. She pays the rent by watching her daughter at night while she works and helping to put food in the kitchen when she can. Since Tiffany was going to be at work, she had to bring both her daughter and Tiffany's daughter. Everyone started drinking and I kept an eye on the children, come around 4 AM in the morning, she slipped a twenty in my pocket and left me with both of the kids. They woke me and I took care of them until Tiffany got back.
Because I kept an eye on the little girl while my friend wasn't treating her right, she told her mom that she wanted me to baby sit her. So I now have a new baby sitting job.
She is the most behaved kid that I've ever watched, but kids are still exhausting.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Avoiding Having to Grade Papers
My friends would beat me if I left without adding these, so I'm adding them. ^-^
Derek being haunted by our personal ghost

Charlie, who wasn't with us when we battled our reflections.

They saw their reflections....It looks like war..

Guys...That's not how you fight the mirror!

That's even worse! You're not winning this!

Well... At least this isn't disturbing.
Derek being haunted by our personal ghost

Charlie, who wasn't with us when we battled our reflections.

They saw their reflections....It looks like war..

Guys...That's not how you fight the mirror!

That's even worse! You're not winning this!

Well... At least this isn't disturbing.

Avoiding Having to Grade Papers
I wasn't going to update today because nothing really happened, but then my Creative Writing teacher walked in with a huge stack of papers.
I either write or grade...I think that I will write.
Today has been the usual day for the most part, but it has been a pretty fun day.
My first period went by pretty fast because we had a sub, but second period seemed to drag on.
My second period made me pretty angry. It's history and we were going over the holocaust. When explaining the significance of such a disastrous event to teenager, you simply DON'T add silly sounds to the power point. You also don't allow the class to joke on the children that were raped and tortured. Faith in humanity, lost. Thank you, Murillo!
After that, third and fourth period flew by.
Fifth period was a lot of fun. My friends and I just had a great time with my camera, I will post some of the pictures on here since I have to update our personal blog anyway.
Now I'm in sixth period and I'm waiting to go home. ^-^
Here are our pictures!~

I either write or grade...I think that I will write.
Today has been the usual day for the most part, but it has been a pretty fun day.
My first period went by pretty fast because we had a sub, but second period seemed to drag on.
My second period made me pretty angry. It's history and we were going over the holocaust. When explaining the significance of such a disastrous event to teenager, you simply DON'T add silly sounds to the power point. You also don't allow the class to joke on the children that were raped and tortured. Faith in humanity, lost. Thank you, Murillo!
After that, third and fourth period flew by.
Fifth period was a lot of fun. My friends and I just had a great time with my camera, I will post some of the pictures on here since I have to update our personal blog anyway.
Now I'm in sixth period and I'm waiting to go home. ^-^
Here are our pictures!~

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Rainbow Dash Hair...Wait, what?
The weekend came and went way too fast, but doesn't it always?
For some reason, my weekend seems to always be the most active on Sundays lately.
That doesn't fair well for school in the morning, but I seem to usually make due. Usually...
This Sunday, my mom decided that she wanted to do her hair. I had been meaning to color mine as well because the purple in it was fading to a dull grey.
We went to Wal-mart and got some hair dye. Well, because we're slow, it was already 1:30...AM by the time that we got to mine.
We also don't trust each other with doing hair.. Though, she did trust me enough to let me put a little pink in her red, which was awesome by the way.. I'm just saying.
Because we don't trust each other, we pulled in a neutral party. We asked one of my friends to come over and help do my hair. After about an hour of being lost, getting gas, and fighting over it, we finally made it to pick him up. If you don't realize what time it was by then, let me add it up for you. We got back to the house around 2:40.
This was mom's first time meeting him so of course she had to talk to him for awhile and get a feel for him, which took even longer.
We didn't finally get started on my hair until around 4 AM.
I wanted my hair to look like THIS... He ended up sitting around and talking while my mom did it...
I now have really faded pink in the front, blue on one side, and green on the other... A vast majority of it is still blonde.. I'm keeping it pulled back because it looks terrible. Hopefully we can get the yellow and red in it soon, mix them to get orange. Put in the purple and so forth.
They didn't put in purple because the pink originally looked purple, but now it is faded out and almost gone because for some reason, my hair does not hold pink well. ANY OTHER COLOR BUT PINK!
It used to but it doesn't anymore, I don't know why.
They also didn't want to put in the red, yellow, or orange... I don't know why, but they kept trying to get me to part my hair differently.
Eventually, I made them stop and went to wash it out.
By the time that they were done, it was around 5 AM.
I had to be up for school in two hours, but they wouldn't stop talking!
I wasn't able to get them out of the door until around 7:30. By the time that we dropped him off, it was 8:10, school had started ten minutes ago and I wasn't ready nor did I have any sleep.
We stopped back at the house for me to find my MP3 player and I crawled back into bed to go to sleep.
I didn't go to school that day.
For some reason, my weekend seems to always be the most active on Sundays lately.
That doesn't fair well for school in the morning, but I seem to usually make due. Usually...
This Sunday, my mom decided that she wanted to do her hair. I had been meaning to color mine as well because the purple in it was fading to a dull grey.
We went to Wal-mart and got some hair dye. Well, because we're slow, it was already 1:30...AM by the time that we got to mine.
We also don't trust each other with doing hair.. Though, she did trust me enough to let me put a little pink in her red, which was awesome by the way.. I'm just saying.
Because we don't trust each other, we pulled in a neutral party. We asked one of my friends to come over and help do my hair. After about an hour of being lost, getting gas, and fighting over it, we finally made it to pick him up. If you don't realize what time it was by then, let me add it up for you. We got back to the house around 2:40.
This was mom's first time meeting him so of course she had to talk to him for awhile and get a feel for him, which took even longer.
We didn't finally get started on my hair until around 4 AM.
I wanted my hair to look like THIS... He ended up sitting around and talking while my mom did it...
I now have really faded pink in the front, blue on one side, and green on the other... A vast majority of it is still blonde.. I'm keeping it pulled back because it looks terrible. Hopefully we can get the yellow and red in it soon, mix them to get orange. Put in the purple and so forth.
They didn't put in purple because the pink originally looked purple, but now it is faded out and almost gone because for some reason, my hair does not hold pink well. ANY OTHER COLOR BUT PINK!
It used to but it doesn't anymore, I don't know why.
They also didn't want to put in the red, yellow, or orange... I don't know why, but they kept trying to get me to part my hair differently.
Eventually, I made them stop and went to wash it out.
By the time that they were done, it was around 5 AM.
I had to be up for school in two hours, but they wouldn't stop talking!
I wasn't able to get them out of the door until around 7:30. By the time that we dropped him off, it was 8:10, school had started ten minutes ago and I wasn't ready nor did I have any sleep.
We stopped back at the house for me to find my MP3 player and I crawled back into bed to go to sleep.
I didn't go to school that day.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
That Long Stretch In Which There Were No Updates
It might not be too long, but it feels like it.
In the time that I've been gone, my stalker issue resolved itself, I left Dakota fully, I've been declared legally dead, and I've had a lot of fun.
I've been talking to my stalker's ex girlfriend, a good friend of mine, and she informed me that J is moving! I was so happy, but I feel bad for the people that she'll soon be going to school with. Let her move on and harass other people instead of me!~
I don't know why she's moving and I don't care, but I guess it wouldn't have mattered too much because her baby will be due anyday. I assume that she'll probably drop out or miss a lot of school when she has it.
As for Dakota, I realized that there is nothing wrong with questioning someone who gives you reason to. All this time, he has had me fooled that I am the reason we fight about my trust issues. Yes, I have trouble trusting guys, but there is a difference in having trouble trusting guys who never show up when they say and act shady and trusting guys that treat you how you're supposed to be treated.
I've known for awhile now that he was likely cheating on me, but because I never had rocksolid proof, I wouldn't accept it. Not until my therapist pretty much told me that I'm an idiot. When I told him that I was done believing his lies, he tried to make me sound like a terrible person, but I didn't listen. It ended with me telling him to go screw himself and allowing myself to go out and talk to some nice guys that won't lie to me.
I'm sure the most confusing part of my list was the legally dead part. Apparently I had a delayed response to the meds they used to put me to sleep when they took out my wisdom teeth.
It hit me Sunday when I began to throw up everything that I had eaten. It got much worse Monday, when I got to school. I made my way to the clinic and she called my parents to come get me. My temperature first read around 94. That couldn't be possible because it would mean that I had died. We waited about fifteen minutes and took it again. That time it had raised to 96. It was still too low though! I went to the doctor that Monday and they told me that my temperature was a result of the nasuea from the meds they had given me. They gave me some pills to knock it out which only made it worse, and sent me home. I missed Tuesday and came back Wednesday. First period, I felt like I was going to blow chunks so I asked my teacher to let me go back to the clinic. At first she didn't want to listen but something must have made her change her mind.
I went to the nurse. She wanted to call me parents but I asked her to try some stuff to make it better. We tried crackers, mints, and green tea but nothing worked. It took about ten minutes until I threw up and was sent home with directions not to come back tomorrow either.
My mom kept me out Friday as well because I still wasn't feeling great.
Instead, we went shopping and took out my friend's daughter. We put her an Easter egg hunt together and had a good time.
Despite some recent events, I feel better than I have in awhile and I'm looking forward to good things to come in the future. <3
In the time that I've been gone, my stalker issue resolved itself, I left Dakota fully, I've been declared legally dead, and I've had a lot of fun.
I've been talking to my stalker's ex girlfriend, a good friend of mine, and she informed me that J is moving! I was so happy, but I feel bad for the people that she'll soon be going to school with. Let her move on and harass other people instead of me!~
I don't know why she's moving and I don't care, but I guess it wouldn't have mattered too much because her baby will be due anyday. I assume that she'll probably drop out or miss a lot of school when she has it.
As for Dakota, I realized that there is nothing wrong with questioning someone who gives you reason to. All this time, he has had me fooled that I am the reason we fight about my trust issues. Yes, I have trouble trusting guys, but there is a difference in having trouble trusting guys who never show up when they say and act shady and trusting guys that treat you how you're supposed to be treated.
I've known for awhile now that he was likely cheating on me, but because I never had rocksolid proof, I wouldn't accept it. Not until my therapist pretty much told me that I'm an idiot. When I told him that I was done believing his lies, he tried to make me sound like a terrible person, but I didn't listen. It ended with me telling him to go screw himself and allowing myself to go out and talk to some nice guys that won't lie to me.
I'm sure the most confusing part of my list was the legally dead part. Apparently I had a delayed response to the meds they used to put me to sleep when they took out my wisdom teeth.
It hit me Sunday when I began to throw up everything that I had eaten. It got much worse Monday, when I got to school. I made my way to the clinic and she called my parents to come get me. My temperature first read around 94. That couldn't be possible because it would mean that I had died. We waited about fifteen minutes and took it again. That time it had raised to 96. It was still too low though! I went to the doctor that Monday and they told me that my temperature was a result of the nasuea from the meds they had given me. They gave me some pills to knock it out which only made it worse, and sent me home. I missed Tuesday and came back Wednesday. First period, I felt like I was going to blow chunks so I asked my teacher to let me go back to the clinic. At first she didn't want to listen but something must have made her change her mind.
I went to the nurse. She wanted to call me parents but I asked her to try some stuff to make it better. We tried crackers, mints, and green tea but nothing worked. It took about ten minutes until I threw up and was sent home with directions not to come back tomorrow either.
My mom kept me out Friday as well because I still wasn't feeling great.
Instead, we went shopping and took out my friend's daughter. We put her an Easter egg hunt together and had a good time.
Despite some recent events, I feel better than I have in awhile and I'm looking forward to good things to come in the future. <3
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